The story behind the management philosophy of Work for Humans starts at midnight, high atop the golden gate bridge...
Whole and Alive at Work: Jeff Saperstein Interviews Dart, Part 2
This is the second of two interviews with Jeff Saperstein. In this interview, Dart recounts stories of applying the principles of Work for Humans, and goes deeper into how to quantify the value of the employee customer. Jeff is a marketing professor and co-author of a number of books with Hunter Hastings, most recent of which is The Interconnected Individual. Find the original podcast here. Jeff...
Desiging Fulfilling Work: Jeff Saperstein Inteviews Dart, Part 1
This is the first of two interviews with Jeff Saperstein. In this interview, Dart describes the business philosophy underlying Work for Humans. Jeff is a marketing professor and co-author of a number of books with Hunter Hastings, most recent of which is The Interconnected Individual.
Pattern #5 – Puzzles to Solve
If work is a product, what are the design attributes that result in work that make you feel whole and alive instead of dead and dull. Puzzles To Solve describes one of about thirty successful patterns in work.